There is something about building a company that gets the adrenaline going. The late-night meetings, bottomless coffee, and tons of ideas freely flowing all add to the excitement. Everything seems to be going smoothly as planned until you realize that th ...
The Simple Steps: Raising Funds For Your Real Estate Project
Raising capital is easy. All you have to do is stare at your phone and wait for investors and lenders to call, or look at your emails until your eyes bleed. Is this the situation you are in? Many builders, developers, and investors looking to f ...
An ideal sales pipeline never happens on its own. Some of the best sales teams find themselves faltering at times. Even if you already know how to manage a sales pipeline, here’s a refresher with some helpful tips to make it a more seamless process ...
4 Funding Series Your Startup Needs to Take-Off
Raising capital in the form of funding rounds is about more than just the stages of soliciting money to help a young business stay afloat. You will get a better perspective when you understand the meaning of different funding rounds; that is how you w ...
5 Myths about Startup Capital
Start up capital is the amount of funding needed by the owners and investors to start a business. Startup financing has many myths. Whether you are a beginner or a veteran, these myths can be so widespread that it is difficult ...